Publications by Joseph Rickert

R, drug development and the FDA


by Joseph Rickert When you not directly working in an industry it is often extremely difficult to get any real insight into common practices that may be blindly transparent to people who are. With some persistence though, every once in awhile you can stumble into an opportunity to see why things are the way they are. Last week, at the JSM in Mont...

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Big Data Sets you can use with R


by Joseph Rickert The world may indeed be awash with data, however, it is not always easy to find a suitable data set when you need one. As the number of people becoming involved with R and data science increases so does the need for interesting data sets for creating examples, showcasing machine learning algorithms and developing statistical ana...

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R and Linear Algebra


by Joseph Rickert I was recently looking through upcoming Coursera offerings and came across the course Coding the Matrix: Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications taught by Philip Klein from Brown University. This looks like a fine course; but why use Python to teach linear algebra? I suppose this is a blind spot of mine: MATLAB I ca...

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Alpha Testing RevoScaleR running in Hadoop


by Joseph Rickert At Revolution Analytics our mission is to establish R as the driver for Enterprise level computational frameworks. In part, this means that a data scientist ought to be able to develop an R based application in one context, e.g. her local PC, and then get it moving by changing horses on the fly (so to speak) and have it run on a...

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R and The Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics


by Joseph Rickert I don’t think that most people find reading the articles in the statistical journals to be easy going. In my experience, the going is particularly rough when trying to learn something completely new and I don’t expect it could be any other way. There is no getting around the hard work. However, at least in the field of compu...

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Revolution’s 2014 R User Group Sponsorship Program Begins October 1st!


by Joseph Rickert On October 1st, Revolution Analytics opens the 2014 season for sponsoring R user groups. Over the past few months we have seen quite a few new user groups start up and we expect the trend to continue into 2014. We hope that our 2014 sponsorship program will help to sustain the momentum.The following figure shows the increase in ...

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R and Data Week 2013


by Joseph Rickert Data Week 2013 is being held this week in sunny San Francisco at the Fort Mason conference center overlooking the Bay. Holding a Bay Area R User Group Meeting (BARUG) at Data Week helped to raise the R consciousness among the hip conference crowd attracted by the intoxicating mix of blue skies, big data hype, startups and visio...

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The ACM 2013 Mining Big Data Camp and "Un-Conference"


by Joseph Rickert The 2013 Mining Big Data Camp was held last Saturday at Ebay’s Town Hall Conference Center in San Jose. The San Francisco chapter of the ACM has been sponsoring this data mining themed, “un-conference” event since 2009. Attendance, this year was lighter than I remembered in the past, however, the event continues to be a vi...

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NESSIS 2013: The future of sports statistics is here!


by Joseph Rickert We have been following sports statistics regularly on the Revolutions Blog with quite a few sports related posts this year. In one post I did back in April about the Latham R package for baseball statistics I speculated on how baseball was poised to move from Moneyball style predictive analytics to real-time descriptive stats b...

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Finding R in a Hadoop World


by Joseph Rickert The following is a brief report of all things R encountered in my not quite random, but nevertheless far from determined, walk through the O'Reilly Strata / Hadoop World Conference held this week in NYC. To start off, I had the pleasure of doing a 9:00 AM Monday morning joint tutorial with Antonio Piccolboni, the principal devel...

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