Publications by Jasmine Dumas' R Blog
Best Practices for Shiny Development
debugging, reactivity, and designing for the user – Introduction As a programmer you read more code than you write. Keep it readable, commented, consistent and explicit. –Sindre Sorhus, Web Developer & Creator of Pageras Shiny is a powerful and popular web framework for R programmers to elevate the way people consume analytics for ...
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A Choropleth Map, Shiny, & Flexdashboard Walk into a Bar…
Like most R Programmers, I’m a fan of the R packages that RStudio develops. They recently announced Flexdashboards: Easy interactive dashboards written in RMarkdown. I’m always trying to expand my R skills with side projects so I’ve put together a Flexdashboard to visualize USA zipcodes on a choropleth map and a shiny dropdown to dynamically...
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Tracking my Work Hours with IFTTT and R
An ongoing effort to work more efficiently – TL;DR: For the forgetful, IFTTT can be a great way to track your work hours and provide insight about trends through visualization. Manually entering your own timesheet and logging your specific project time hours for work (and contracting) can cause inconsistencies, namely forgetting how ma...
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Day Drinking with R
My first R package on CRAN, ttbbeer – After attending the useR! 2016 R Conference, I felt supercharged and armed with new insights and ideas about how to further contribute to the R community. I met wonderful people in real life (IRL) from twitter and heard interesting case studies about using R for large data analysis. I already have ...
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Exploring Reported Crime Incidents in Hartford, CT
A shiny flexdashboard project – Open government data portals are essential to transparency and civic education for citizens, and supports the work for data researchers and academics especially in smaller cities such as Hartford, CT. These portals provide data from a number of different government agencies spanning education, financial,...
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Mapping & Web-scraping the 2016 Presidential Election Results in Connecticut
Understanding my Neighbors with R and Leaflet – I, like many others across the country have been in total shock and mental disarray at the results from the election this past Tuesday. I’m not sure what to make of my fellow Americans voting for an outright racist, sexist, homophobic and xenophobic egomaniac and what that will mean for...
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Explaining Statistical Goodness of fit Tests with Beer
Statistics + Beer = Comprehension – A goodness of fit test are a collection of statistical techniques used to summarize the differences between observed values and expected values. These tests can be used be used for hypothesis testing, testing residual normality, distribution comparisons, and outcome frequency distribution comparisons...
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Extracting data from Twitter for #machinelearningflashcards
I’m a fan of Chris Albon’s recent project #machinelearningflashcards on Twitter where generalized topics and methodologies are drawn out with key takeaways. It’s a great approach to sharing concepts about machine learning for everyone and a timely refresher for those of us who frequently forget algorithm basics. I leveraged Maëlle Salmon�...
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Measuring Impact from Giving Talks on My R Package Downloads
ggplot2, CausalImpact, & prophet oh my! – It has been a longstanding goal of mine to gain confidence in public speaking, give a technical talk at a conference and develop R packages. I’ve noticed a trend (and a quality I’d like to inherit) amongst other productive R programmers which was a greater ability to communicate results thr...
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Not Mustard ???? Exploring McDonalds Reviews on Yelp with R
Leveraging tidyverse packages httr, stringr & purrr – Introduction McDonald’s is a nostalgic component of America ???????? and a pioneer of fast food operations and real estate ventures, as depicted in the 2016 film, The Founder, about Ray Kroc. As a kid I traveled to different McDonald’s across the east coast and noticed a differe...
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