Publications by Gunneet Singh, Elbrus Gasimov

Spatial analysis of child mortality rate in Indian provinces


Introduction Child mortality is one of those factors which, due to the issue of malnutrition, have been discussed quite extensively on a global level since the last decade or so. In the list of countries doing quite well in reducing the childhood mortality rates, India is placed very low. Even though the continuous monitoring and the policy m...

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Breast Cancer prediction using PCA + LDA in R


Breast Cancer detection Introduction Features are computed from a digitized image of a fine needle aspirate (FNA) of a breast mass. They describe characteristics of the cell nuclei present in the image. Importing and Cleaning the data Before importing, let’s first load the required libraries. #url <- "

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Classification of the fraudulent credit card transactions


Introduction It is important that credit card companies are able to recognize fraudulent credit card transactions so that customers are not charged for items that they did not purchase. Looking at the importance of this issue, the current study tries to perform classification modeling technique to predict and categorize all the transactions into ...

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Visualizing obesity levels


Introduction Nowadays, Obesity is one of the most prominent health-related issues faced by the people across globe. Due to this very reason, it is very crucial to analyze the issue deeply. The dataset used is about the obesity levels of people from 3 specific countries, namely, Mexico, Pery and Colombia. Using the “ggplot” library primarily, ...

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Regression modeling on Life expectancy across different nations


Introduction Although there have been lot of studies undertaken in the past on factors affecting life expectancy considering demographic variables, income composition and mortality rates. It was found that affect of immunization and human development index was not taken into account in the past. As a result, this study tries to perform different ...

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Classifying organizations as Bankrupt or not


Introduction The data were collected from the Taiwan Economic Journal for the years 1999 to 2009. Company bankruptcy was defined based on the business regulations of the Taiwan Stock Exchange. The data is made available on Kaggle here- Importing the necessary libraries library(ROCR...

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