Publications by Dean Attali's R Blog
What makes an R talk popular? Scraping useR2017 attendance information to find out!
Click here to explore the data for yourself First off — I’ll admit that was my poor attempt at a click-bait title. But if you’re still reading the next paragraph, that means it was successful! Table of contents Background Am I number 1?! Scraping individual event information from the useR Sched website Scrape all events data into one data...
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What makes an R talk popular? Scraping useR2017 attendance information to find out!
Click here to explore the data for yourself First off — I’ll admit that was my poor attempt at a click-bait title. But if you’re still reading the next paragraph, that means it was successful! Table of contents Background Am I number 1?! Scraping individual event information from the useR Sched website Scrape all events data into one data...
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colourpicker package v1.0: You can now select semi-transparent colours in R (& more!)
For those who aren’t familiar with the colourpicker package, it provides a colour picker for R that can be used in Shiny, as well as other related tools. Today it’s leaving behind its 0.x days and moving on to version 1.0! colourpicker has gone through a few major milestones since its inception. It began as merely a colour selector input in a...
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4-Day Workshop in Toronto: Learn R, tidyverse, and Shiny with Dean Attali and Kirill Muller
Kirill Muller and I are excited to announce a 4-day R workshop in Toronto on January 23-26, 2018! To register or for more information click here Readers of this blog can receive a 10% discount by using promo code TIDYSHINYTEN (limited-time offer). If you know someone who might benefit from the workshop, you can receive 10% of the ticket price usi...
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shinyalert: Easily create pretty popup messages (modals) in Shiny
A brand new shiny package has entered the world yesterday: shinyalert. It does only one thing, but does it well: show a message to the user in a modal (aka popup, dialog, or alert box). Actually, it can do one more thing: shinyalert can also be used to retrieve an input value from the user using a modal. You can visit the GitHub page or check out...
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Shiny Case Studies: My new online interactive video course
Last week, my brand new DataCamp course Shiny Case Studies was finally released after being in the works for a full year! Check out the course This is an online course consisting of a series of short videos, mulitple choice exercises, and interactive coding exercises. The course is designed to improve your knowledge and skill with Shiny by deve...
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How to use dplyr’s mutate in R without a vectorized function
TL;DR: Use the Vectorize() function! If you’re reading this, you’ve either encountered this problem before, or you just got to this article out of curiousity (in which case you probably don’t know what problem I’m talking about). A few days ago I was given code by a client for a function that, given a path to a patient’s file, generates...
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CRANalerts: Get email alerts when a CRAN package gets updated
Have you ever found yourself asking “how can I make sure I don’t miss the next version release of package X”? That’s the exact problem I set out to solve with CRANalerts. Simply provide your email address and an R package name, and every time the package gets updated on CRAN in the future, you’ll get notified. Check our CRANalerts It ...
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{shinydisconnect}: Show a nice message when a Shiny app disconnects or errors
Have you ever noticed how an error in your Shiny app looks very different when it happens locally (in RStudio on your laptop) compared to when it happens in production (in or Shiny Server or Connect)? Locally, when a Shiny app breaks, you just get a grey screen. But when a deployed app breaks, you also get a little strip that says �...
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{shinydisconnect}: Show a nice message when a Shiny app disconnects or errors
Have you ever noticed how an error in your Shiny app looks very different when it happens locally (in RStudio on your laptop) compared to when it happens in production (in or Shiny Server or Connect)? Locally, when a Shiny app breaks, you just get a grey screen. But when a deployed app breaks, you also get a little strip that says �...
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