Publications by David Smith
New R User Group in Dublin, Ireland
There have been several requests to an R User Group in Ireland, so thanks to Kevin O'Brien for stepping up to co-ordinate the Dublin-R group. Kevin invites all R users in the area to the first meeting on November 17: The Dublin R users group will be holding a series of monthly meetings. On the agenda is the development of user group, recruiti...
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Last chance to enter the $20,000 "Applications of R" contest
Don't forget that midnight tonight (Pacific Daylight Time) is the deadline to submit your draft entry for the Applications of R in Business Contest, with $20,000 in prizes up for grabs from Revolution Analytics. You'll still be able to edit your entry during the public review period (until November 30), but no new entries will be accepted for the...
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R 2.14.0 is released
As scheduled, the first release of the new R 2.14 series is now available for download in source code form. As of this writing, pre-compiled binaries for Windows, Linux and MacOS aren't yet available, but will appear on your local CRAN mirror in the next couple of days. One of the biggest changes in 2.14 is the introduction of the new “parallel...
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Putting the R in Hallowe’en
PhD student Caroline Tucker created a Hallowe'en card using the R graphics system: You can find the R code to create the above image here. Note that you'll need to install the fields and MBA packages first. One interesting aspect of the code is the use of the function to create the shading that gives the Jack-o'-lantern its depth. The...
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R 2.14 for Windows: now with SVG support
One additional new feature in the latest release of R: the standard binaries of R 2.14 from the R Project now include Cairo support. For Windows users, this means that you can now create SVG graphics in R — the best format for displaying R graphics on the web — without having to compile R yourself. Note that if you grabbed the Windows build o...
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"Applications of R" contest submissions online
Thanks to everyone for participating in the “Applications of R in Business” contest. R users submitted more than 25 entries, describing how R is used in industries including life sciences, finance, manufacturing, sentiment analysis, and even sports. Some entries are just outlines for now (competitors have until November 30 to finalize their e...
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Webinar on Portfolio Rebalancing with R and Sybase
R users in the financial industry may be interested in the following webinar hosted by Revolution Analytics' partner Sybase on November 10: Portfolio Rebalancing Using R and Sybase RAP for Intraday Risk Management With volatility and violent intraday swings becoming the new normal, intraday risk controls are now needed to not only reduce your ...
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Rdatamarket Tutorial
The good folks at DataMarket have posted a new tutorial on using the rdatamarket package (covered here in August) to easily download public data sets into R for analysis. The tutorial describes how to install the rdatamarket package, how to extract metadata for data sets, and how to download the data themselves into R. The tutorial also illustrat...
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Webinar Nov 17: What’s new in Revolution R Enterprise 5.0
Revolution R Enterprise 5.0 will be released soon, and Sue Ranney, VP of Development at Revolution Analytics, will host a webinar on Thursday November 17 to get you up to speed on the latest features: Revolution R Enterprise 5.0 is Revolution Analytics’ scalable analytics platform. At its core is Revolution Analytics’ enhanced Distribution...
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Three free books on R for Statistics
Avril Coghlan, a lecturer at University College Cork in Ireland, has written and made available for free three books ideal for students or practitioners new to R who want to use it for multivariate analysis, time series analysis or biomedical statistics. Each book begins with practical advice for installing and using R in general, before diving ...
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