Publications by David Smith
R Project websites down
The main R Project website,, many of the primary CRAN mirrors (including, and are currently unavailable following a power failure at the master host in Austria. The US CRAN mirror,, and other mirrors not under the domain (including cran.revolution-com...
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Interview with Revolution CEO Norman Nie
Steve Miller has posted his interview with Revolution’s CEO Norman Nie at Information Management blogs. In the interview, Steve digs into Norman’s motivations for taking on a new venture around R after his successes with SPSS and how what he learned there applies to Revolution Computing. Also up for discussion: the benefits and challenges of ...
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Getting a Web application to talk to R
Let’s face it: you can do some pretty awesome things with R — statistical models, beautiful charts, you name it — but if the only way to do those things is from the R command line you’re limiting the audience of people who might make use of all this awesomeness to a limited subset: R programmers.What if you could get the results of R prog...
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Which font uses the most ink?
If you’re being particularly cost-conscious about your use of printer ink or toner, you may be wondering which font you should choose to minimize ink use. Here’s an infographic with the answer: This is an interesting infographic in its own right, but what makes it cool is that these are not photoshopped images of Bic biros. Matt Robinson cre...
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Introduction to R, live virtual talk from JD Long tomorrow
JD Long (of Cerebral Mastication fame) will be giving a live “virtual talk” introducing R: “What it’s best at and how you can use it to help you massage data”. The talk will be at 7:30PM Pacific time tomorrow, Tuesday May 4. You can register at the link Presentation: R The Language Related To leave a comment for the a...
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Where do you want an R User Group?
Wishing there was a local R User’s group in your area, but can’t find one? New user groups are springing up all the time, but you can kickstart the process by registering interest for a group in your area at As you can see from the map below, there’s interest in many places — your vote could prompt an R user in your locality t...
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13 videos for learning R
Jeromy Anglim has just posted a nice round-up of instructional videos for learning R. The videos are categorized into four levels: What is R? Introductory R? Intermediate and Advanced Materials on R and Related Resources (including a link to written resources for getting started with R). Check out all the links at Jeromy’s post, linked below.J...
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REvolution Computing is now Revolution Analytics
So, as you may have noticed from the new banner here at the blog, we’ve changed our name to Revolution Analytics. It’s still the same company and the same people, and still focused around the R Project, but now with a fresh new look and lots of exciting news.I’ll be blogging about our new academic program, our new community site, and our ne...
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Revolution R Enterprise now free to academics
Unlike Revolution R Community which is 100% free to everyone, our commercial-grade Revolution R Enterprise distribution bundles R with proprietary components from our development team, which are normally available only to paying subscribers. (Those subscriptions are the way we get income to keep the company going.) Those components include our fu...
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A new site for the R community:
We’ve just launched a beta/preview of a new website for the R community, The site is sponsored by Revolution Analytics (who funded its development and maintenance), but it’s designed for anyone who uses or has in an interest in the R Project generally. So, you might ask, why another community site for R, when there’s already s...
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