Publications by Bob Rudis (@hrbrmstr)

Basic Forward and Reverse DNS Lookups In R (with Rcpp)


Back in April, we showed you how to use a C resolver library to make many different kinds of DNS lookups. More oft than not, such complete functionality is not necessary, but R still only provides nsl to get an IPv4 address of a given hostname, which is woefully inadequate. I needed to write an R implementation of the Project Honeypot http:BL API...

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New and Updated R Packages for Security Data Science


We’ve got some new and updated R packages that are (hopefully) helpful to security folks who are endeavouring to use R in their quest to find and prevent malicious activity. All packages now incorporate a testthat workflow and are fully roxygen-ized and present some best practices in R package development (a post on that very topic is pending)...

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Update to resolv (0.1.2) + valgrind and R + Parallel DNS Requests with Revolution R’s ‘foreach’ and `doParallel`


Thanks to a blog comment by @arj, I finally ran at least one of the new Rcpp-based through valgrind (resolv) and, sure enough there were a few memory leaks which are now fixed. However, I first ran valgind with a simple test R script that just did library(stats) to get a baseline (and dust off some very rusty valgrind memories). After running tha...

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Open iTerm (OS X) to a Directory from R


Sometimes you need to get to a command prompt from R, whether it’s to wrangle git on the command line or do some package work. RStudio provides ways to do this from menus and hotkeys, but on OS X it sticks you in I’m an iTerm user—and, I really prefer being in that app vs the one Apple ships—so, I wrote a tiny function that ...

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Announcing dtupdate v1.0 – R Package Reporter/Updater for the devtools Universe


The dtupdate package has functions that attempt to figure out which packages have non-CRAN versions (currently only looks for github ones) and then tries to figure out which ones have updates (i.e. the github version is > local version). It provides an option (not recommended) to auto-update any packages with newer development versions. The reaso...

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statebins – U.S. State Cartogram Heatmaps in R


UPDATE The statebins package is now available on CRAN I became enamored (OK, obsessed) with a recent visualization by the WaPo team which @ryanpitts tweeted and dubbed statebins: Statebins! RT @kevinschaul: States with the most jobs lost or threatened because of trade.— Ryan Pitts (@ryanpitts)...

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How unusual is it for TLDs to resolve to an address at the top most level? (a.k.a. a sneaky, basic introduction to dplyr)


I saw this on Hacker News this morning and it got me curious as to how many other TLDs (e.g. .com) resolve to an address (i.e. http://uz./ displays a page in your browser since uz. resolves to This is quick work with R and the resolv & iptools packages, plus I threw in a little dplyr for good measure: library(iptools) library(resol...

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Keep your team informed with “slackr”


Karl Broman did a spiffy job summarizing a good number of the options available to R folk if they want to get notifications from R. You can also generate OS X notifications as well. If you’re using Slack for team coordination and communications, you’ve got a new option – slackr that also enables you go a bit deeper than just notifications, ...

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Migrating Table-oriented Web Scraping Code to rvest w/XPath & CSS Selector Examples


I was offline much of the day Tuesday and completely missed Hadley Wickham’s tweet about the new rvest package: Are you an #rstats user who misses python's beautiful soup? Please try out rvest ( and let me know what you think.— Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham) September 12, 2014 My intrepid colleague (@jayjacobs) inform...

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“Do You Want to Steal a Snowman?” – A Look (with R) At TorrentFreak’s Top 10 PiRated Movies List #TLAPD


We leave the Jolly Roger behind this year and turn our piRate spyglass towards the digital seas and take a look at piRated movies as seen through the lens of TorrentFreak. The seasoned seadogs who pilot that ship have been doing a weekly “Top 10 Pirated Movies of the Week” post since early 2013, and I thought it might be fun to gather, proces...

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